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Institutional Banking

Clearing Service
ICBC provides exchange settlement and clearance services for the interbanks and non-banking financial institutions through the overseas payment systems from the foreign exchange clearance accounts ICBC-opened overseas, SWIFT system, and fund remittance and transfer systems. ICBC provides customers with the payment of remittances for both outward and inward remittances and conducts exchange funds clearance for various types of foreign currencies on customers’ behalf.

ICBC offers institutional client multi-currency and multi-tenor deposit service with a competitive interest rate.

Financing Service
Financing service is the service provided by ICBC to satisfy the inter-bank fund facilities that mainly includes: Inter-bank Borrowing, Bond Trading, Instrument Financing, Credit Assets Repurchase, and Account Overdraft.

Foreign Exchange Funds Service
Applying for various financial tools, especially all types of derivative financial tools and their combinations, ICBC can assist institutions, under the condition of risk control, to realize the goals of asset-value retaining and adding. ICBC's exchange funds business primarily includes exchange trades, agency service of exchange settlement and sales, agency financing service for customers, and exchange risk management for the customers.